After School Achievement Program (ASAP) 2020-2021
This informational page was designed to provide parents with important guidelines and information about the West St. Francois County After School Achievement Program (ASAP).
Mission The West St. Francois County Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers or A.S.A.P. program provides academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children. The program helps students meet state and local standards in core academic subjects, such as reading, math, science, and social studies. It offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children.
Goals (Revised 1/7/15)
Goal 1: Support or increase student achievement and sense of competence in the areas of reading/communication arts, mathematics, and science.
Goal 2: Develop and maintain a quality program that includes a safe and supportive environment, positive interactions, and meaningful opportunities for engagement.
Goal 3: Enhance youth’s college and career readiness skills and behaviors, including positive school behaviors, personal and social skills, and commitment to learning.
West County’s ASAP program is implemented through funding and guidelines separate from public school systems; therefore it is not a right but a privilege. The program seeks to maintain a friendly environment for students and staff.
Staff :
After school Coordinator- Lisa Puller
Site Coordinators- Mr. Rawson, Mr. Hector and Mrs. Basler
Teachers & Paraprofessionals
Data Collectors
- Individual/group tutoring
- Reading/STEM nontraditional enrichment activities fostering positive learning in a child-centered hands-on environment
- Extended Library/Computer Lab before and after school
- Homework Assistance
- Mentoring/Character Education and counseling programs
- Sports and recreational activities to promote a healthy lifestyle
- Credit Recovery
- Field trip experiences to expand social/intellectual experience
- Summer Program
Student Eligibility:
All students may attend the ASAP program.
Student Enrollment:
Enrollment assumes that your child will attend on a regular basis. Please notify the school office by note or phone call by 2PM of any attendance changes so we can plan effectively.
Scheduling Notes for All Sites:
The program's schedule will vary by site as we seek to improve student and family satisfaction. The schedule is modified according to specific needs, student interest and attendance at each site. Students have input regarding their satisfaction with the program offerings through interest surveys. Each semester, we also consider parent and staff comments, during our Advisory Committee meetings and use the information when designing the next semester. Please do not hesitate to give input so that we can continually develop and improve our program.
- Early school dismissal cancels program
- Parent Teacher Conferences cancels program
- Parents will be notified of schedule changes by flyer, website or texts.
- Parent Pick-ups: 5:30 at the elementary. 5:10 at the middle school and high school. Please request students at the office if pick up is required early.
- If inclement weather becomes an issue an all call will be made to parents to notify everyone of cancellation by phone call or text.
Elementary Schedule:
Monday-Friday Mornings-Everyday school is in session.
7:00 Morning Library
Monday-Friday Afternoons- except early dismissals & conferences
3:10 Clubs, tutoring, Core Remedial programs
4:10 Dinner
4:30 Recess
4:45 Load Bus
4:45 Evening Library/Computer Lab
5:30 All students must be picked up
7:00 Morning Library
Monday-Friday Afternoons- except early dismissals & conferences
3:10 Clubs, tutoring, Core Remedial programs
4:10 Dinner
4:30 Recess
4:45 Load Bus
4:45 Evening Library/Computer Lab
5:30 All students must be picked up
Middle School Schedule:
Monday-Friday Mornings-Everyday school is in session.
6:45 Morning Library/Computer Lab
Monday-Friday Afternoons- except early dismissals & conferences
3:10 Dinner
3:30 Clubs, tutoring, homework
5:50 Load bus
5:10 All students must be picked up.
6:45 Morning Library/Computer Lab
Monday-Friday Afternoons- except early dismissals & conferences
3:10 Dinner
3:30 Clubs, tutoring, homework
5:50 Load bus
5:10 All students must be picked up.
High School Schedule:
Monday-Friday Mornings-Everyday school is in session.
7:15 Tutoring & Clubs
Monday-Friday Afternoons- except early dismissals & conferences
3:10 Dinner
3:30 Clubs, tutoring, homework
4:55 Load Bus
5:10 All students must be picked up.
7:15 Tutoring & Clubs
Monday-Friday Afternoons- except early dismissals & conferences
3:10 Dinner
3:30 Clubs, tutoring, homework
4:55 Load Bus
5:10 All students must be picked up.
Health Needs:
Illness or injury may require immediate parent/guardian pick up. Please be sure an authorized contact is always available. If unavailable, we will be calling emergency contacts until someone is reached. Students requiring special health needs should contact their school nurse prior to program start.
discipline Plan:
The ASAP program supports and organized, safe and rewarding environment. Rules are used to set limits which give students , parents, and staff a sense of security and fairness. However, rules must have consequences to be effective. These are consequences designed to reinforce our rules:
1st Offense: (1st Strike): Written notification will be sent home to parents explaining incident. such incidences may include, but are not limited to; disobeying the teacher, disrespect to others, refusing to comply with program rules, problems on the after school bus. Parents sign the notification and return it to the school.
2nd Offense: (2nd Strike): Written notification. Parents sign the notification and return it to the school.
3rd Offense: (3rd Strike): Written notification. Students are removed from the program for four weeks.
Any further offenses will be an additional four week removal from the program.
Bus incidents may include suspension from the ASAP bus and require parents to pick up their child from the program.
Immediate removal from the program will take place in case of fighting, severe harassment towards others, threats of harm, or any incident that the Site Coordinator/Building Principal deems sufficient for removal.
1st Offense: (1st Strike): Written notification will be sent home to parents explaining incident. such incidences may include, but are not limited to; disobeying the teacher, disrespect to others, refusing to comply with program rules, problems on the after school bus. Parents sign the notification and return it to the school.
2nd Offense: (2nd Strike): Written notification. Parents sign the notification and return it to the school.
3rd Offense: (3rd Strike): Written notification. Students are removed from the program for four weeks.
Any further offenses will be an additional four week removal from the program.
Bus incidents may include suspension from the ASAP bus and require parents to pick up their child from the program.
Immediate removal from the program will take place in case of fighting, severe harassment towards others, threats of harm, or any incident that the Site Coordinator/Building Principal deems sufficient for removal.
The ASAP program staff seeks to provide a healthy safe environment for your child. All employees are expected to be familiar with fire and natural disaster safety procedures. Safety drills will be practiced during the ASAP program and will include monthly fire and tornado drills.
All sites will serve a nutritious dinner that follows USDA guidelines free of charge.
Students who attend the after school program may ride the ASAP bus to designated drop off locations. K-1st grade students will wear a bus tag indicating the drop off location. K-2nd grade students must be met at the bus door by an adult. The drop off locations are as follows:
- The High School
- Leadwood Warner Drive by McMullin General Store
- The Middle School
- Mitchell- Linda's Store
- Wortham Church of God
- Irondale Bank
- 2 Terre du Lac Water Towers
Parent Pick-up:
Elementary: Students must be picked up no later that 5:30 and be signed out by the parent.
Middle School & High School students must be picked up by 5:10.
Late pick-ups may disqualify student participation. Written notification of late pick-ups will be sent to the parents and require parent signature.
Middle School & High School students must be picked up by 5:10.
Late pick-ups may disqualify student participation. Written notification of late pick-ups will be sent to the parents and require parent signature.
Rocky Creek Youth ranch
All students at Rocky Creek Ranch may attend the onsite Afterschool program and are automatically enrolled.
Tutoring is offered 2x per week.
Life Skills is offered daily.
Life Skills is offered daily.